Safeguarding Updates
Online safety awareness - concerns about a new App called Unico
● Check young people’s devices for this app – and help them remove it.
● Remember even if the app is removed from app stores, it will still work on devices it’s been downloaded on.
● Engage young people in a conversation – about keeping safe online and who they would talk to if someone made them feel uncomfortable online.
● Check that they only engage with other people they know online.
● Check that they understand what they should do if they see something online that upsets or worries them.
What to do if you have a concern about a child
If you have any safeguarding concerns or are worried about the safety and welfare of a child please speak to one of our Safeguarding Leads without delay.
Parents and other members of the school community can also contact the Kirklees Children's Services Duty and Advice Team on 01484 456848 or email
You can also submit an online report to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP).
Please remember that if you have concerns about the immediate safety of a young person, you should contact the police.
Monthly Online Safety Updates for Parents and Carers
Each month we send parents and carers useful information about keeping children safe online via PING, our school messaging app. You can also find the information here.
Think U Know is a national organisation who work to keep children safe on and offline. They have produced a range of useful information and activities about keeping safe
whilst online. The activities are designed for families to complete together - the activity sheets below have been created to help you learn more about all aspects of online safety. The conversation starters are a great way to start your online safety conversation at home.
You could then visit the Thinkuknow website – it provides tips on how to be safe when using the internet.